Kenya (KK) – AA Kangocho #003

140,00 kr

Myk og ren, tørkede bær, solbær, melkesjokolade.

Prosess: Vasket
Cuppingscore: 86,75

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Vekt 250 g

Origin: Kangocho

Gikanda FCS

Situated near Karatina town in Nyeri County, the Kangocho Factory benefits from its location on the slopes of Mount Kenya, with its mineral-rich soil and consistent annual rainfall, ideal for coffee cultivation.

The factory management has introduced certain sustainable practices such as reusing water for parchment washing.


Flowering runs from June to August, and the coffee is harvested from October to January. The area’s average annual rainfall is 1300-1800mm, and the annual temperature average is 20.5 °C.


Once the ripe cherries are pulped, the parchment is fermented for 12 hours. It is then washed in the washing channels and separated per density. After separation, the parchment is spread out on the drying tables and dried for around 14 days.
