Peru (PW) – Wilfredo Minga (Organic)

140,00 kr

Smak av melkesjokolade med søte sjokoladenoter. Ananasaktig syre, brunt sukker og urteaktige hint. Saftige hagefrukter.

Prosess: Vasket
Cuppingscore: 87

I en pose er det 250 g hele bønner. Vi velger kun spesialkaffe av den absolutt beste kvaliteten fra øverste hylle, som vi brenner med det vi mener er en optimal profil.

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Vekt 250 g

Origin: Lalesa Washing Station by Origin Land Coffee


This coffee is part of our sourcing program in Peru through Origin Coffee Lab. We acquire microlots or communal blends from small, family-operated farms, where the entire production process occurs. Producers in premium programs, like ours, invest in production, holding enough parchment for potential microlots or improved community blends.

Our sourcing is concentrated in villages in La Coipa, Colossay, San Ignacio, and other locations, selected through selective cupping. Our exporting partner actively supports producer relations, providing assistance with quality protocols, traceability, and premiums.

Our approach is consistent across communities: selecting microlots with high performance, lot sizes between 10 and 20 bags, and purchasing producer blends when possible. The program ensures fair premiums for all coffees, emphasising community investment for a consistent supply and continual farmer incentives for quality production.
